Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders, Inc. Est. 2022

Welcome to Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders! We are a private Florida foundation formed by seven Christian believers that were brought together by God to be His stewards by directing the giving of His resources to Christian organizations. We have been called to be His hands and feet to build Christian schools and churches. 

We are about to witness a manifestation of Kingdom on Earth that will spread the Word and love of God further than this world has ever known! Something special has been surfacing in the Florida panhandle, Christians feel it, and are increasingly understanding the need to fellowship together to discern the Word of God more clearly. 

Our Foundation’s mission is to spread the Good news throughout the land, to save souls for Him. To accomplish this God-given and directed mission, the most important assets are the Holy Spirit-led, shepherd leadership-focused Kingdom Builders God has called for His team. God is calling His people to action, and calling many of them to be a part of our team – His Kingdom Builders.

In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

Ephesians 1:11

God Chooses Our Path, It Is Up to Us to Decide if We Will Follow It

If God is touching your heart to join us, we are waiting for you.