We will spread the Gospel through funding missions that help God’s people all over the earth.

Giving of yourself and showing the kindness of Jesus is at the core of a missionary’s heart. This unique calling from God is impressed onto exceptional individuals.  We are here to make mission trips possible for those who have been called to share their faith for the Kingdom of God. These modern day disciples are outreach-oriented, concentrating on the engagement of the mission of God. We care about reaching the lost for the same reasons Jesus came to “seek and to save what was lost” (Luke 19:10).

What could be more biblical than aligning with God’s mission by preaching the gospel and reaching lost people for Jesus Christ? Missional thinking embraces all of God’s purposes in fulfilling His mission here on earth. Having a missional mindset embraces the idea of God’s kingdom being people, not a place (building or denomination). 

Some people of Christian faith are called to travel or move to another part of the world to spread their faith through good deeds. They follow God’s calling out of their comfort zones to make real and tangible differences to people and communities. This can be through physical efforts in building programs or by simply demonstrating God’s love and compassion to people in different parts of the world. They are doing work that is truly needed to help in the communities they visit and strive to do works that are sustainable by the local families who live there.

We will provide funds to the sponsoring church or 501(c)3 organization that will in turn release the funds to these exceptional individuals. The only thing we require in return is a mission trip testimony from the individual. These Kingdom Impact reports will be posted on the website to inspire others to move as God directs them.