President’s Introduction – Susan Roeser

God led Steve and I to set up a Christian foundation that would serve the Kingdom of God.  He set this path in motion a long time ago, and only recently revealed it to us. In 2006, God led me to a property that was rich with gold, unbeknownst to us, and told me “this is your land.” Now sixteen years later, as we move forward towards harvesting precious metals in Alabama and in Mexico, He instructed us to build the Foundation first. While that seems backwards, it really isn’t. We are the stewards of those resources, and all of those resources are intended to further the Kingdom of God on earth. So, the Foundation had to come first, because that gives our for-profit enterprise it’s purpose and charter, harvesting precious metals for the Kingdom of God. We are confident that we are on the right path as God sent us wonderful people to be the Founding members of our Board of Directors, and our first Kingdom Builders that will provide oversight over the resources.

Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders Inc Board of Directors

President – Susan Roeser

At a very young age, I started listening to God, and sometimes questioned “What does God want from me?” In time, His purpose for me became clear, and I trusted His call more. When God called me to start Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders, I listened but wondered “How did God shape me for THIS?” I had retired from Lockheed Martin after 22 years of developing courseware and performing Quality Control for the Air Force Special Operations Command. It was there that I honed my ability to see the very small details and see how it affects the many moving parts to comprise the big picture. God gave me the skills to work all those years, and a capacity for respect and empathy toward the ones who tend to get overlooked. He needs those skills now to ensure that I am a good steward of His resources as we build His Kingdom.

Vice-President – Nikki Bodie

I was born and raised in a small south Alabama town. Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s was actually pretty great. Church life was a large part of life back then. We had church summer camp, Vacation Bible School, Bible sword drills, and homecoming with “dinner on the ground.” I later married my high school sweetheart and recently celebrated our 53rd wedding anniversary in 2023. Like most older couples who reach the senior years of life, we can look back at many great joys and great sorrows. We have always sought the Lord’s blessings and healings through it all. He has been faithful to meet our needs. I was an elementary school teacher for many years. We raised our family and have lived in DeFuniak Springs for the last thirty five years. We have been blessed with years of Christian friendships. We have been involved in many local and international mission efforts from feeding programs to church building projects. God has placed exciting adventures before us as we serve Him. We now have Kingdom Builders as yet another challenge He has set before us. He led me to be involved by serving as the Vice-President on the Board of Directors for the Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders. We are trusting God to continually show us where He wants us, and what He wants us to do in the spread of the Gospel of our Savior.  

Treasurer – Wayne Bodie

I retired from the business world at the age of 64 but I did not stop working, as a matter of fact, I was as busy as ever. My wife and I started traveling, working more in our church, enjoying our eight grandchildren, and just finishing out the years of our life with no plans to return to the business world. As many Believers have probably done, we often prayed and asked the question, “Father God what is your purpose for my life now?” My favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” I rely on this truth of God’s word on a regular basis. Now at the age of 76 our lives have certainly moved in a previously unforeseen direction, a dear couple in our church came into our lives in a surprising manner. (Remember that prayer) Steve and Susan Roeser were church friends who loved Jesus and were faithful members our church. Little did we know what God had been doing in their lives for many years. He was preparing them to be Kingdom Builders in a most unusual way, gold and precious metals mining.  We attended the first presentation of their vision in a small group at church, for the purpose of giving them our thoughts and recommendations. The rest is history, we joined them as Kingdom Builders and I have been led to serve as Treasurer.

Secretary – Michelle Schack 

In February 2022, I was venting to my Sunday school faith team about my job. I loved my job, my Human Resources career field, and was thankful for all I had learned and the people I was able to help. However, I was struggling with my purpose. Through prayer, God kept telling me that He had bigger plans for me. Then Steve showed me the SPM organizational chart with a glimpse of things to come. The flame was lit, I was on fire with purpose and desire to work for God, and nothing has been able to put it out since! In constant prayer, I kept asking for His guidance for the next steps. As I was reading one day, I read 1027 as October 27th instead of a number and I immediately knew God was telling me that was my start date to come work for Him full time! By Faith and with tremendous Peace only God can provide, I resigned my job of 10+ years. God called me to use all the gifts, skills, and knowledge I had acquired to come work for Him through Southern Piedmont Materials, the for-profit enterprise that funds Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders. As the Chief People Officer my duties include ensuring that all our people are taken care of, including providing the same services to the foundation. I was asked to join the Kingdom Builders Board of Directors and was elected as Secretary. My priorities that I bring to SPKB are to stay in prayer, listen, and follow God’s plan, to work with God’s team to see that His will is accomplished, and to take care of God’s people. I want to help them understand their purpose and gain fulfillment as we all work together. I am excited and passionate to serve alongside such an incredible group of Christian sisters and brothers.

Founding Director – Rafael Alcover

The morning of November 10th, 2019, I shared a dream I had with Steve and Susan. At the end the dream Steve said ”I have something to ask you, but not right now.” I wasn’t sure why, or what it meant, but I was sure God wanted me to share it with them. Two years later I was to find out why. Between November 2019 and November 2021, I was doing consulting and a company tapped me for a Program Manager job on a large contract they were bidding for. The compensation package presented was very attractive and I accepted the offer. I thanked the Lord for the opportunity presented as it was as close to perfect as it could have been.  However, over time, in my heart, I began to feel that even though the job was great, the thought of doing it was not satisfying.  One day I realized in my heart that I would rather work for the Lord.  In doing so I changed my prayers to asking the Lord for a job in His Kingdom. I prayed this constantly for many months and never shared this prayer with anyone. Then, two years to the week of my November 2019 dream, Steve and Susan called me, and together we recalled the dream to point where he said ”I have something to ask you, but not right now.” He then proceeded to ask me, “Do you want to work for the Kingdom?” This was an answer to my prayers, and without any details of what he had in mind.  I answered a resounding “yes!” I am eagerly looking forward to where God is leading us with this foundation.

Founding Director – Mike Schack

A few years ago I was led to start a Sunday school class and two of the first people I asked to join Michelle and me, were Steve and Susan. As we met each Sunday we began to see how we strengthened each other in our walks and in our Faith. My Faith and devotion to God come first and all things in my life are better because of it, and all decisions stem from it. Steve, Susan, Michelle and I grew closer to each other and God, and began to rely on each other, referring to each other as Our Faith Team. God then called us to be a part of something bigger, a group of Christians that would help educate, elevate, love and take care of His people. He joined us together on this mission to use His resources to further the Kingdom of God here on Earth. My experience, knowledge, and understanding of education, provided by God will be important as we move forward to be His hands and feet as we build Christian schools and churches. I hope to use my experience as Lay Leader to bring my Faith, God’s wisdom, and discernment to the SPKB team. I am humbled to be chosen for this amazing mission for God’s Glory!

Founding Director – Steve Roeser

On an October day five years ago, I was in my equipment barn getting ready to go disk a field. As I opened the rollup door to get the tractor out, the entire mechanism came down on my head and crushed me into the disk. I was life-flighted and remember just concentrating on staying alive long enough to be able to say goodbye to Susan at the hospital. During the following months of recovery, as God healed me, He made it very clear that He had plans for me. I had a career that I loved, working for one company for 30 years, however God wanted me working for Him. So, in early 2018, I retired and waited for His plan to be revealed. Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders is the result of listening to Him. I will be able to use all the skills that I honed as a Program Manager in the execution of simultaneous projects. My analytical and planning skills, coupled with my financial and management experience have prepared me for building schools, and churches. God has given us the most wonderful group of people I could ever imagine, working together for His Glory through His Foundation.