Susan Roeser – President

At a very young age, I started listening to God, and sometimes questioned “What does God want from me?” In time, His purpose for me became clear, and I trusted His call more. When God called me to start Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders, I listened but wondered “How did God shape me for THIS?” I retired from Lockheed Martin after 22 years of developing courseware and performing Quality Control for the Air Force Special Operations Command. It was there that I honed my ability to see the very small details and see how it affects the many moving parts to comprise the big picture. Over my entire career of 36 years, I had gained precision, stamina, and even a mechanical introduction from working as a printing press operator. Being a bell pepper farmer for a few years, led to being elected as President of a local Co-op, where I was responsible for marketing a perishable crop for all the family farmers, including developing grading standards, locating buyers, and ensuring delivery. At times I drove our 12 ft swamp cooler full of peppers to get them to the buyers. I couldn’t let the hard work of our farmers go to waste because of an unforeseen problem with the pickup. For a few years I worked for a moving company which had a contract to pack up an entire home’s worth of contents, including personal items, important papers, and even dirty dishes. I took this more seriously than my coworkers, understanding this was someone’s private possessions. What seemed like laughable entertainment to them was a serious role to me.  God gave me the skills to work all those years, and a capacity for respect and empathy toward the ones who tend to get overlooked. He needs those skills now to ensure that I am a good steward of His resources as we build His Kingdom.

I grew up in a small rural town in northern Ohio where I attended a small country church with loving parents, and where I would eventually meet my husband. I was excited to give my life to Christ at age 15, when I and a group of fellow believers were baptized in a shallow river near an old Baptist church. Even today, more than forty years later, the exhilaration of submission and the sounds of being plunged under water still thrive in my memory. I met Steve at that small country church and had our first “date” on Christmas day 1982, when my mother pushed us along by inviting him to dinner. Steve and I were married shortly after, and soon left Ohio for Florida. It was here that we started our family. We are blessed with having two wonderful sons, Thomas, and Samuel. Sam and his wife Samantha have blessed us with our first granddaughter, Evelyn.  

You will not find a degree designation behind my name; God led me down specific roads that gave me the unique experience He wanted me to have to arrive perfectly prepared to carry out His plan. I love spending time on our farm with our family and growing anything from seed. Watching God’s design unfold from a tiny seed is a thrill I’ve watched many times with plants. Now I get a front row seat to watch God’s marvelous plan unfold and surge forward as I work with an awesome faith team He has put together.

My days are filled with listening for God’s direction, and I feel humbled and privileged to be providing resources to other Christians. Everyday Steve and I wake up excited to go to work for God and His Glory.

Nikki Bodie – Vice-President

I was born and raised in a small south Alabama town. Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s was actually pretty great. Church life was a large part of life back then. We had church summer camp, Vacation Bible School, Bible sword drills, and homecoming with “dinner on the ground.”

I later married my high school sweetheart and recently celebrated our 53rd wedding anniversary in 2023. Like most older couples who reach the senior years of life, we can look back at many great joys and great sorrows. We have always sought the Lord’s blessings and healings through it all. He has been faithful to meet our needs.

I was an elementary school teacher for many years. We raised our family and have lived in DeFuniak Springs for the last thirty five years. We have been blessed with years of Christian friendships. We have grown children, eight grandchildren and soon-to- be three great grandchildren. We have been involved in many local and international mission efforts from feeding programs to church building projects. God has placed exciting adventures before us as we serve Him.

We now have Kingdom Builders as yet another challenge He has set before us. He led me to be involved by serving as the Vice-President on the Board of Directors for the Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders. We are trusting God to continually show us where He wants us, and what He wants us to do in the spread of the Gospel of our Savior.  

Wayne Bodie – Treasurer

I am a military veteran, an electrical engineer, and a proud alumni of Auburn University. After my military service, I worked for an electrical utility and eventually started my own company, where I was a business owner for a total of over 40 years. The most important event in my life was accepting Christ at 12 years of age.  My mother, the most Godly woman I have ever known, and my Baptist preacher grandfather, who was the most humble and Godly man I have ever known were the greatest influences in my life. The second most important event was marrying my high school sweetheart, Nikki. I wish I could say that I have always lived as Believers should, but by the grace of God and by His mercy, I am still alive and committed to serving Him until he calls me home. My favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” I rely on this truth of God’s word on a regular basis.

I retired from the business world at the age of 64 but I did not stop working, as a matter of fact, I was as busy as ever. My wife and I started traveling, working more in our church, enjoying our eight grandchildren, and just finishing out the years of our life with no plans to return to the business world. As many Believers have probably done, we often prayed and asked the question, “Father God what is your purpose for my life now?” We were happy worshiping, working and fellowshipping with the members of our church, continuing to work in the Gideon ministry and trying to be good stewards of all that God had blessed us with. 

Now at the age of 76 our lives have certainly moved in a previously unforeseen direction, a dear couple in our church came into our lives in a surprising manner. (Remember that prayer?) Steve and Susan Roeser were church friends who loved Jesus and were faithful members our church. Little did we know what God had been doing in their lives for many years. He was preparing them to be Kingdom Builders in a most unusual way, gold and precious metals mining.  We attended the first presentation of their vision in a small group at church, for the purpose of giving them our thoughts and recommendations. The rest is history, we became involved and are now serving on the Board of Directors.  

Michelle Schack – Secretary

In early 2022, God called me to use all the gifts, skills, and knowledge I had acquired, as He had provided, to come work for Him through Southern Piedmont Materials (SPM), the for-profit enterprise that funds Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders (SPKB).  I heard the Lord calling me to resign from a position I loved, with a utility construction company where I had been working for 10+ years and go to work with SPM. I did this purely on faith, as there was not an offer from SPM, instead it was all based on me telling them that God wanted me there.  My first day working for Him was the date He told me, 10/27, as the Chief People Officer. My job includes me providing all my services to the foundation.  I was voted to join the SPKB Board of Directors and elected as Secretary. I am excited and passionate to serve alongside such an incredible group of Christian sisters and brothers. 

I am married to Michael, and I am the mother of seven amazing children. We attend the First Methodist Church of DeFuniak Springs where we enjoy the fellowship of other believers. I have 16 years of experience in the Human Resources Management career field with 2 professional certifications. I received my Bachelors of Science in Business Administration with concentration in Human Resource Management in 2015. I served my local Kiwanis club as Secretary for 10 years. At Southland Utility Services, I was part of the executive team and was involved in strategic and financial decisions for the company. 

My priorities that I bring to SPKB are: to stay in prayer, listen, and follow God’s plan, to work with God’s team to see that His will is accomplished, to take care of God’s people entrusted to us as Kingdom Builders, employees, and any others He adds to the team – God’s People First mentality, and to ensure the called are utilized in the right place doing the right things, so they understand their purpose and have a great sense of accomplishment as we all work together.

Rafael Alcover – Director

God called me to be part of Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders in 2021, with the dramatic culmination of a dream I had shared with Steve and Susan the morning after the birth of our granddaughter, Evelyn, two years prior. God used this dream to verify that He was indeed calling me to serve in His Kingdom.

I grew up in Puerto Rico and graduated from the Inter-American University majoring in Administration and subsequently received a Master’s degree in Administration from the University of Central Michigan. I met my wife of 40 years while in high school and married shortly after joining the Army.  Upon retirement, together with our four children we moved to Florida. I attend the Destiny Worship Center in Miramar Beach where I serve on prayer group and attend the Roundtable of Issachar. 

I have over 30 years of combined experience serving in the US Army for 20 years and achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1998. Upon retirement, I continued supporting the Department of Department, working for several companies within the Government Services Industry, including industry leaders, such as Honeywell, and KBR. During my Army career, I held positions within the Combat Service Support Management competency, starting at platoon level, increasing with promotions to more complex and higher responsibility positions including working for the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans at the Pentagon and subsequently as Chief Plans and Operations Division for the Installation Management Agency, Europe Region. 

During my tenure within the Government Services Industry, I held positions as Senior Logistics Consultant, Logistics Manager, Operations Manager, Deputy Program Manager and Program Manager.  I have managed projects ranging from $7 Million to $40 Million with staffing over 500 personnel working in the areas of Operations, Maintenance, Transportation, and Logistics. 

In 2019, I was consulting for a company, and I was tapped for a Program Manager role on a large contract they were bidding for. The compensation package presented was very attractive and I accepted the offer.  In my daily prayers I thanked the Lord for the opportunity presented as it was as close to perfect as it could have been.  One day, after a few months of prayer, I realized in my heart, convincingly so, that I would rather work for the Lord.  In doing so I changed my prayer to asking the Lord for a job in His Kingdom, but I was open to do His will.  In short, I really just desired to work for the Kingdom. I prayed this constantly for many months and never shared this prayer with anyone. 

Then, two years to the week of my November 2019 dream, Steve and Susan called me, and Steve asked, “Do you want to work for the Kingdom?” This was the answer to my prayers and was exactly as God had prepared me for in my dream. Immediately without hesitation, I answered a resounding “Yes!” I am looking forward to where God is leading us with this foundation.

Mike Schack – Founding Director

My Faith and devotion to God come first and all things in my life are better because of it, and all decisions stem from it. God has called me to be a part of His Faith team with Steve, Susan and Michelle. He joined us together on this mission to use His resources to further the Kingdom of God here on Earth. My experience, knowledge, and understanding of education, provided by God will be important as we move forward to be His hands and feet as we build Christian schools and churches. I hope to use my experience as Lay Leader to bring my Faith, God’s wisdom, and discernment to the SPKB team. 

I am married to Michelle and we have seven wonderful children. We attend the First Methodist Church of DeFuniak Springs where I serve as the Lay Leader of an amazing group of believers.

I graduated in 2002 from the University of Cincinnati, College of DAAP with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. In 2009 I received a Master of Education from the University of West Florida. I hold a Professional Educator’s Certificate with the State of Florida Department of Education. 

I have over 16 years of experience in serving children in a school setting. I served as Lead Teacher in Science and Exceptional Student Education (ESE), providing at-risk students with a safe, positive, and encouraging atmosphere for learning and self-discovery, at the Walton Learning Center for 10 years. The past 6 years I have been working to ensure Students with Disabilities receive the support and services they need for academic success as an ESE Staffing Specialist with the Walton County School District. 

I am humbled to be chosen for this amazing mission for God’s Glory!

Steve Roeser – Director

October 17th, 2017, I was in my equipment barn getting ready to go disk a field. As I opened the rollup door to get the tractor out, the lag bolts pulled out and the entire mechanism came down on my head and crushed me into the disk. I was life-flighted and remember just concentrating on staying alive long enough to be able to say goodbye to Susan at the hospital. During the months of recovery, as God healed me, He made it very clear to me that He had spared me because He had plans for me. So, in early 2018, I retired and waited for His plan to be revealed. 

I grew up in Sandusky, Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie, and graduated from Sandusky High School in 1978. I received two scholarships my senior year, one to Design school, and one to an Engineering school. I took the larger scholarship and went to study at Columbus College of Art & Design for four years, majoring in Illustration and Design. In 1982, I met Susan in a small church in Castalia, Ohio, and we were married in 1983 and moved to Florida at the end of the year. We just celebrated thirty-nine years together last October, and we have two wonderful sons, Thomas, and Samuel.

I started work for a Defense contractor on Eglin Air Force base as a technical illustrator. I would spend the next 34 years working on Eglin projects. I joined Leidos in November 1987 as an illustrator on the Space Defense Initiative (SDI) Program in Shalimar, Florida. I have always looked for new challenges and over the course of 30 years with Leidos I held numerous positions. I became proficient in not only using computers, but in designing networks. This led to an interesting progression in my career development, including designing and installing computer networks and building 3D computer models of ballistic missiles using Boolean algebra and engineering judgment, instead of graphic visualizations. I was promoted into the Lethality/Vulnerability division as a system analyst. As the SDI Program was winding down, I began a short-term assignment to design a computer and network upgrade plan for the Environmental Management Branch on Eglin AFB. The plan was well received, and I was asked to implement it and manage the IT department full-time. I became certified as a Network Administrator, and transferred to the Leidos Environmental Division, and began network administration and computer systems support for a hundred users spread over five locations. I began to absorb a deep understanding of environmental issues and planning, and began managing several million dollars of Eglin projects outside of IT.

In 2001, I was promoted to Division Manager of the Infrastructure Planning and Management Solutions Division where I managed a staff of over 250 engineers, scientists, architects, and support staff located at nine locations across eight states. My Program had annual revenue of $56 Million and I was responsible for the execution and financial performance of over 200 projects. And momma said art school would never pay-off! God had set me on this unforeseen path to prepare me for managing projects to build schools and churches for His Kingdom.