Part I: General Information and Eligibility

Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders (SPKB) as a private non-profit 501(c)(3) charity is required to ensure that any resources expended are used according to our Mission. SPKB donations are given to churches and other 501(c)(3) organizations who embrace a mission to honor God, and who meet the criteria of SPKB. Grant applications are reviewed and ranked and those that best align with SPKB values and goals are selected for consideration of funding by our Board of Directors. These awards are intended to enhance and expand existing programs of churches and organizations which emphasize the sharing of the Gospel as the main focus of their program service, and many of programs will be eligible for yearly funding. One-time grants will also be given given to stand up new initiatives and programs based on our evaluation of the plans presented for feasibility and impact. After the establishment of the program and demonstrated success, it may become eligible for yearly awards. For construction projects, design/build Grants will be offered to churches and other eligible Christian organizations. SPKB, at its sole discretion, will make a determination of whether we provide funding to the applicant for a project, or if SPKB staff will manage the project and the funding.

Entities receiving a grant must proclaim a mission that is compatible with the mission of SPKB. Grant consideration will be based on how the Grantee fulfills the following:

• Church establishment or rebirth

• Distribution and administering bibles and Christian materials

• Ministering or counseling to orphans, elderly, poor

SPKB will determine its distributions on how well the requested project addresses some important points. Project work for the design/build of churches and/or schools will be scored under these considerations:

• A need in the community

• Defined goals describing outcomes and benefits

• Potential for success explaining the benefit of people impacted

• Active support from Ministry, qualified staff, directors and governance

• Financial accountability showing stable growth and sound planning

The Board of Directors for SPKB is solely responsible for the policies and procedures required to give a grant. The Board may direct advisors to review applications and make recommendations. Final decisions rest with the Board of SPKB and could vary from the recommendation from the committee or advisors.

Grants will not be used on previously incurred deficits from any former projects or operating budgets or loans.

Grant recipients will be notified by both email and phone. Wire transfer information will be required for transfer of funds after notification of award.

Part II: Grant Submission Requirements

The Applicant is required to complete our Grant Award Application, submit a 1-page (typed) narrative, mission statement, tax-exempt status letter, and a financial statement to be considered for a Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders grant. A complete submittal package will consist of all documents in PDF format. 

Project Proposal Narrative Submit a 1-page (typed) narrative document. The narrative information will provide a more detailed descriptive concept of the project or program. Please include the following information:

• A concise description of the project or program

• Suggested budget and milestones in accordance with project breadth 

• List any other incoming funding sources 

• Explain goals, benefits and expected outcomes

• Explain how the goals, benefits and expected outcomes will be achieved and evaluated

Mission Statement This can additionally include a statement of faith.

Board of Directors Submit a list of the Board of Directors, including titles and email addresses.

Tax-Exempt Status Submit a copy of the Federal tax-exempt determination letter under section 501(c)(3) from the Internal Revenue Service.

Financials Submit a 1-page summary of the past fiscal year income and expenditures. Include any statement or balance sheet from hired CPA firm.

Post award report Grantees agree to submit a 1-2 page post award report, detailing the project, the project expectations and outcomes, and use of funds. This report is due within 3 months after grant award. Subsequent reports are due in 6 month increments thereafter. Reports are to be sent to the Grant Evaluator via email or US Mail according to the schedule given at the time of receiving the Grant.