Michelle’s Calling to Work for God

In February 2022, I was venting to my Sunday school friends about my job. I loved my job and was thankful for all I had learned and the people I was able to help. However, I was struggling with my purpose. I had been there almost 10 years and felt like I had reached my limit of growth and impact I could have there. During my rant, Steve slid over his phone for me to look at what was on his screen. It was an organizational chart. But not only any org chart, it was different than I had seen in the past. Typically, reading left to right, I see operations, sales, marketing, finance, customer service, then way far on the right-hand side, Human Resources. In this org chart, Director of Human Resources was the first block on the left. This to me meant that whoever created this chart valued people above process and money! It’s what I’ve been saying for years! Put the people first! I looked at him in bewilderment and he just said, “be patient.” My head was spinning! Was he telling me that he had a place for me in some company I didn’t even know existed? Was he telling me that God had bigger plans for me? 

Later that afternoon, we got on a phone call with Steve and Susan to hear about the mission God has brought into their life and where we may fit in. The flame was lit, and nothing has been able to put it out since! I was on fire with purpose and desire to work for God! 

Months went by with lots of conversations and lots of breaking bread together. Mike, Steve, Susan, and I had been a strong prayer team for one another for a long time, so it was natural that as we moved towards God big plans for us, we were in constant prayer asking for His guidance for our next steps. I asked Steve and Susan when they thought God would need me to work for Him full time and Steve replied several times saying, “I think you will know before we do.” I did a lot of praying for answers, discernment to know His will, and pleading for His direction. The anxiety of not being prepared or second guessing His call was weighing heavy on me. So, I kept praying. I remember saying things like, “God, you know me! You know I don’t handle the unknown well! I have to plan and prepare for this kind of change, if it is what you are asking, no telling me to do! Please be direct and loud.”

After God lit the fire in my soul, or reignited the flame, I couldn’t get enough bible plans, studies, and research to quench my thirst for knowledge and direction from Him. Sandy Wadsworth with 1027, had written a book called 1027 Hell Fighters. Steve had emailed it to me back in November 2021. I read and highlighted all the way through it in a couple weeks! As I was reading one day, I read 1027 as October 27th instead of a number or part of their company’s name! I immediately knew God was telling me that was my start date to come work for Him full time! I told Mike, Steve, and Susan and I think they were a little in shock but knew it had to be from God. 

As it got closer, I kept trying to change that start date. I am practical and logical by nature. So, starting on a Thursday just didn’t make logical sense. However, every time I tried to change it to the next Monday or even the beginning of the new year, He corrected me. 10/27 was the day He chose, and He meant it. 

Once I had finally resigned to the fact that He was telling me to jump to the next branch, and I had my date, I started the planning. My current workplace was in good shape and needed the right person to join the team so I would feel comfortable leaving. I kept saying that I was jumping out of a perfectly good boat! I understand when people are looking to leave an unhappy work environment or a company that is slowing going under, but this was not the case. I had a place I could’ve retired from. I was comfortable and very good at my job. I was not looking for more power, money, or prestige. I wasn’t interested in climbing the corporate ladder or leaving for a job that would take me away from my family more. I was interested in finding the best place where God could use me to make a greater impact in others’ lives. I wanted to have time to seek out what God’s plan is for my life. How can I allow Him to use me for His will? All I knew is that I wanted to put Him first and be His servant in whatever capacity He chooses.

God had been grooming me for His plan for my life. I can look back and see all the things He has placed in front of me were all for His purpose:  starting the HR Departments at the City and Southland, working in sales, conferences, and sheet music distribution, bringing us to FL from Northern KY 17 years ago, being involved in church committees, adopting our girls, etc.

When it came time to submit my resignation and make my final decision public, the anxiety was overwhelming. What if I’m not hearing from God but it’s Satan trying to ruin everything? I asked Steve several times to please stop me if I’m about to make a mistake or confirm that he is hearing the same thing and I’m on the right track. He refused to confirm either way, so he didn’t respond. He wanted to make sure I was making the decision because God was telling me to and no other reason. They hadn’t offered me a job. We hadn’t really talked about salary or benefits or anything. I was truly jumping from a perfectly good ship into God’s arms, putting all my faith into Him who I knew would catch me and not let me and my family fall.  

I had planned on turning in my resignation on Tuesday, September 6th. Monday was Labor Day. Every time I said the date, someone would ask, the 7th? Well, it happened that my boss was out of the office on the 6th, so it did end up being on the 7th. I spent the 6th praying and in the Word. Like a rushing wind, all the anxiety was removed from me. God wrapped His arms around me confirming that it was Him guiding me to follow Him and make the jump. He said, “I’ve got you!” On the 7th, I had total and complete peace. I resigned and the conversation with my boss went better than I could have ever imagined. He said that you can’t do great things without taking risks and he said that he knew I was going to do great things. He also said he could see that this is more than just leaving for another job, that he can see the fire and passion for this calling. He said he would try to offer me something to stay but could see that it wouldn’t matter. I left there feeling like everything was about to change and even though I didn’t know what that looked like, I was beyond excited to see what God was going to do!

I spent the next 6 and a half weeks searching for and training my replacement with no anxiety. God had His hand all the way through the process and each step felt right. God is the only one that could’ve given me that amount of peace as I prepare to walk away from all I had created over the past 10 years. Just as amazing, was the fact that I hadn’t even received a solid offer for my new position He was calling me to! I received my verbal offer about a week before my start date and my written offer letter the day I started!

I asked God again, why 10/27 for the start date. I already knew the answer. The first day off was for time with my family, the second, time with my husband, and the third was time with God. Those were 3 wonderful days of transition, and I was refreshed and ready to start working for God with all of my heart, sole, mind, body, and strength on October 27th

I have learned to listen, be flexible, and trust the inner voice speaking to me through the Holy Spirit inside of me. I pray this fire inside continues to burn and He continues to call on me to work for Him for the rest of my days! 

For God’s Glory!
