Our Board of Directors realized we could not wait until we had ample funds to make our first contribution towards building God’s Kingdom.  “Are we Kingdom Builders, or we we waiting to become Kingdom Builders?” We are called to be Kingdom Builders now, so we gave what we had, knowing God had blessed this amount, and that more would come because of our faith. On October 7th we announced the recipient of our first gift, Holly Drake, the Youth Ministry Director at First Methodist Church of DeFuniak, through a special fund called “Strengthen the Children”. We are opening it with $2,500, knowing God will amplify it.

Holly will tell you she’s humbled and honored, but we feel humbled and honored to be in the position to support her. This woman of God has bought countless bibles, books, customized spiritual material, music, and many more things, for the prosperity of children. She buys each child his or her own bible, with tabs, in the version she knows they will best understand, and in their favorite color or design. She has also created a reward system for gaining knowledge, and memorizing bible verses. Holly had no idea how God was going to supply the ending for the reward system, or to supply her with the funds to continue to buy bibles. She forged on with faith, prayed for – and expected – God’s provision.

Leading up to the announcement, our Board of Directors had been diligently praying for an answer on where to place our first gift. As a group, we heard the children should be our focus. “Strengthen the Children” were the words Susan heard after prayer. Well over a year ago, we heard, “Get the money into the hands of the Christians, they will know what to do with it.” As God would have it, we are getting money into the hands of a beautiful Christian woman who knows what to do with it!

Through speaking with her we saw the hunger in these kids. Our newest generations are searching, and they will find something to cling to, so we must make sure it’s a bible and Jesus, to strengthen these kids in Christ. And so it begins!

Matthew 18:2-4

And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them  and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.