There are millions of people in the world who are haven’t heard the Gospel. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to spread the Gospel to all of God’s Children. While the need is great abroad, the need is just as great here at home, and our Foundation has been called to assist those doing God’s work in their communities. Our mission is to get resources into the hands of these Christians at the local level supporting schools, churches, projects and missions.

Schools – Teaching our next generation is staggeringly important and the focus of a Christian school is to draw students into a deeper understanding and fuller relationship with God and the world He created. The Christian witness of the teachers encourages students to ask questions and work through their own issues in a positive, nurturing environment. This sets their foundation of faith and prepares them for future success in God’s unique mission He has for them. Making Christian education more available to more families will lead more students to understand the truth in the Bible and to share their faith confidently with others. We will fund schools that are based on Christian values.

Churches – We will assist those Christian churches eager to bring more people to the pews without compromising on the Truth. We will provide financial support for community outreach programs, Christian education, and facilities that will draw people in, where they will have the opportunity to see Christians in action. Part of our mission is to fund churches to do more of God’s work and build more churches to continue growing God’s family. We will  help revive existing churches and stand-up new ones. God is reclaiming His churches and His people through churches that focus on the Gospel and the Good News.

Projects -The Church facility in itself is not the church. The people are the Church. However, Church facilities are great tools to build and grow the church and have a place for the church to worship and invite the lost. In the same way, a school building is not the purpose; the growing and teaching our children is. A large part or our Mission is to build Christian Churches and Schools. Receiving funds for a building project can actually become a burden to a church if it is given without the right expertise and knowledge. Our approach is to determine the requirements of any building project with the stakeholders and then manage the project from start to finish. The focus of the receiver can remain on developing the curriculum for academics and the gospel secure in the fact that the facility will be designed and built to support those activities. We will provide project managers and funding, architects and engineers, procurement specialists and land use planners to deliver top-notch facilities.

Missions – Giving of yourself and showing the kindness of Jesus is at the core of a missionary’s heart. This unique calling from God is impressed onto exceptional individuals. Some are called to travel or move to another part of the world to spread their faith through good deeds. They follow God’s calling out of their comfort zones to make real and tangible differences to people and communities. They are doing work that is truly needed to help in the communities they visit and strive to do works that are sustainable by the local families who live there.  We will provide funds to the sponsoring church or 501(c)3 organization to support  these exceptional individuals who have been called to share their faith for the Kingdom of God.