Working for God

The morning of November 10th, 2019, I shared a dream I had with Steve and Susan. We were all leaving the hospital after the birth of our granddaughter, Evelyn, and as we were saying our goodbyes in the parking lot, I felt led to tell them about this dream. I wasn’t sure why, or what it meant, but I was sure God wanted me to share it with them. Two years later I was to find out why.

In the dream, I was leaving my car in front of Steve and Susan’s house, and I was walking in the house carrying something for a dinner party they were hosting. The house I walked into was about the same set up as their current house, but it was larger with a few layout changes.  As soon as I walked in, I saw several individuals walking to and from carrying things, making preparations for a large dinner. I did not recognize any of them, but they seemed friendly, and my feeling was that it was a mix of our family and friends, and a large number of people I did not know.  I could see that a great number of people were going to be fed as a result of this banquet. One person came over to me and I handed them what I had brought with me.  Susan was working in the kitchen further ahead and to the right. 

On the left there was a short hallway which led to a very large dining hall. I walked into the dining hall and noticed a massive dining table placed in the center with chairs all around it. The outside walls of the hall were made of glass, and they ran from floor to ceiling, in the center of the right wall there was a massive fireplace. The view was breathtaking, the sky was blue with a few white clouds, and it was at that moment I noticed the house was greatly elevated, since I was looking down at treetops and the view seemed to go on forever, overlooking a vast area.

Since I had more things to bring in for the banquet, I went back to my vehicle to get them. After arriving back at my vehicle Steve came to me and said, “I have something to ask you, but not right now”. I replied that I would be available any time.  Steve walked back to the house. I picked up the last of the things I was bringing to the house and as I turned towards the house the dream ended.

Between November 2019 and November 2021, I went about my daily life. Semi-retired, I was doing consulting for a couple of companies. During this consulting time, in 2020, one of the companies tapped me for a Program Manager job on a large contract they were bidding for. The compensation package presented was very attractive and thanking the Almighty God I accepted the offer.  In my daily prayers I thanked the Lord for the opportunity presented as it was as close to perfect as it could have been.  However, overtime, in my heart, I began to feel that even though the job was great, the thought of doing it was not satisfying.  In my prayers I continued to thank the Lord but added that I would really like working for Him, for He would be the best boss with the best retirement compensation package in the universe.

One day, after a few months of such prayer, I realized in my heart, convincingly so, that I would rather work for the Lord.  In doing so I changed my prayer to asking the Lord for a job in His Kingdom, but I was open to do His will.  If He wanted me to take the Program Manager job, I would do so, though in my heart wanted to work for Him in a more direct way.  In short, I really just desired to work for the Kingdom. I prayed this constantly for many months and never shared this prayer with anyone. 

Then, two years to the week of my November 2019 dream, Steve and Susan called me. I was in my garage getting ready to do some work.  At the other end, after greetings and salutations, Steve asked me if I remembered the dream that I had shared with them two years prior.  I remembered it very well, as did Steve, and together we went through the highlights of the dream.  Steve then pointed out the end of the dream where he said” I have something to ask you, but not right now”. He then proceeded to tell me that he was now ready, and after my go-ahead Steve asked, “Do you want to work for the Kingdom?”. This was an answer to my prayers, and without any details of what he had in mind, or if there was even any compensation.  I answered a resounding “yes!”. Later, I called the company that I was going to work for and informed them that I couldn’t accept the position. I had a better offer, one from God. An offer that I still had no details about, except God’s promise that this is what He wanted for me.