God says to Go Bigger!

Sunday morning May 15, 2022

I had this dream early Sunday morning, and I did not remember it when I woke up. In Sunday school later that morning, Michelle talked about her dream with the reporters and the interview of us in Verbena, as word about our operation was getting out. Something she said triggered me and this dream flooded back to me as a full dream with vivid detail and I told it there for the first time. It is now burned in my memory.

I was outside somewhere flat and green; I seemed like it was home here. I saw two bundles on the ground, like hay bales but smaller, maybe 12” x12” x 24”. I picked one up, it looked like a nest of sorts, not sure if it was fur or hay or a mixture. I started to open it up and I was surprised to see the face of a fawn, there were two of them, curled up together with bright white spots. I thought, whoever put these here doesn’t know that they need their mother’s milk to survive. I opened the second bale and found two baby elk inside that one. I thought I need to get these babies back together with their mama’s. I felt a little time had passed; then I saw a fenced-in area on the green lawn-like area. In the fence were the deer and elk fawns, their mothers, and some dogs, maybe twenty animals in all, they all seemed content. 

I then started to ascend a tall conical shape hill/small mountain. I followed a path that circled wide around the base as I ascended, as I circled around and around, I got higher, and the circles got smaller. Towards the top of the feature, the grass and bushes became less, and it became rockier, yet the gravel path was smooth and consistent. When I reached the peak, it was a flat spot, maybe 3 x 3 feet, and I was overlooking a vast, vast valley. I could see my green lawn-like area and my fenced area, however, most of the animals were no longer inside the fence. This view was to my left, to the middle I could see a city with roads and buildings, some maybe ten-stories high with more buildings and roads continuing on past them. To the far right was a vast wilderness that seemed to go on forever but without many defined details.

Suddenly I could see my animals run back into the safety of the fenced area, they were startled by something, but I couldn’t see what. Suddenly sheep started pouring over the mountain I was standing on; they were all coming from behind me and spilling down where I could see them. I was not startled as they went left, right and center, like a slow waterfall. It seemed like they were in groups of 100 or so and men, shepherds I believe, were walking with them, like each was its own group. The sheep were trotting, the men were walking, but it was orderly and somehow, they all stayed together. I saw them filling in my large grass area outside my fence, and then I saw them in the city streets. I was amazed at how many sheep there were, so I took out my phone to video them. I focused on the city streets as group after group passed through. I could see them getting farther away all up in front of me, but the flow of sheep from behind was constant and filled in behind them. I wanted to share my amazement at the sight with my family but could not capture the pure magnitude of what I saw, the phone could not get a wide enough view to capture it, so I just continued to watch in awe.

I put down the phone and looked left and right and the sheep and the men were everywhere. I was not scared, and I never turned around to see how many were coming from behind me. It seemed right. As long as I watched, they came, hundreds of thousands all pouring across the land. I felt like the sheep belonged there, not like they had escaped my neighbor’s land. I woke up as the sheep continued past me.

The message God was sending me became clear. I was content at that time to work on just the one Verbena project and provide the profits to Christian Charities. The small grassy fenced-in area in my dream was Verbena and it was small in the big picture. While deer roam all over Alabama, the Elk represented expanding to a wider region. God was telling me to “Go Bigger”, He wanted us to harvest Gold and Silver from the other locations He had shown us in Alabama, the western U.S. and in Mexico, the middle part with the small buildings and roads. He was showing me that He wanted us to take what He had given us and use it to multiply the impact He would make through us. He wanted us to start a Foundation to help build His Kingdom on Earth across the world.