Insecurity and Fear Dream May, 16, 2022

In early May, we were in the midst of an extremely busy week that was full of appointments for a wide variety of things, when God taught me an important lesson through a dream. I had just started physical therapy on my hip, my car was having issues, we were writing a contract with NRCS, meeting with our lawyer concerning our new Foundation, and meeting with our future first Kingdom Builders, and I was flying to Dallas the next week. We were getting ready to reveal to other people for the first time what we had been working on. We keep asking ourselves “why has God given us this mission?”. But no matter how anxious we were and how unprepared we felt, He was making it clear what He wanted us to do, and that we could handle it. This is that dream.

I was on an old-time western train, standing between the steam locomotive and the coal car that was directly behind it. The coal car was completely empty with very high sides going straight up about 20 feet and a small square door at the bottom for accessing the coal for the locomotive. The train was running in idle, waiting to leave the station for its destination. There was a rumble coming from engine, and billows of steam were surrounding us, the engine was ready to pull out of the station.

Two characters dressed in old western gunfighter type clothing, including the over-emphasized handlebar mustaches, were advancing to the front of the train. Each had a black shirt with big white block letters, one was Insecurity and the other was Fear. I was standing there as they approached, and I knew it was up to me to get these two under control or the train wouldn’t leave the station. And that would affect many people.

They started fighting each other throwing punches, choking each other, and wrestling for position. I decided I must separate them first; I had to get them out of sight from each other. I told Insecurity “stay at the top of the stairs” as he was at the rear of the locomotive. But, he started to go down the stairs, making it down a few steps. I knew if he kept gaining ground, and got to where he wanted to be, he would try to sneak away. If he got to where he wanted, it wouldn’t be good, so I sternly told him “Wait!”. I was dumbfounded that he immediately stopped and even had a surprised, hurt look on his face. I had authority to make him wait, just by me telling him. I was a little surprised that it worked and was so easy.

I then turned my attention to Fear, I planned to lure him toward the door into the empty coal car. He and I locked eyes, and I was able to shove him into the coal car without him seeing Insecurity. With them being separated, it was easy to handle him. I then lured Insecurity into the coal car just as easily and I shut the heavy door, just as the train started in motion. It was not a perfect jail, but it would be sufficient for the trip.

I woke up from that dream feeling that God had shown me how effective I can be over these two villains of faith.  Surprisingly to me, all I had to do was tell them they could not control the situation. I have the authority of Christ within me, and I can use it at will.

It is important to note that the make-shift jail was sufficient for the remainder of the trip, however, the battle is one that will need to be fought again. When I face it again, I will have more ammunition to bring to the next encounter.