We will spread the Gospel through God’s people to God’s people.

Many believers assume that most everyone in the world knows who Jesus is and what He did to save them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are millions of people in the world who are unreached. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to spread the Gospel to all of God’s Children. To reach the unreached! We wouldn’t be in God’s Will without this being a main focus for our mission. 

It is our responsibility to work together as His hands and feet to expand the Kingdom of God here on earth. Getting the funds and resources into the hands of God’s people who are able and willing, driven and focused to spread the Good News, is important and that is just what we are doing. We form relationships and partner with the right people in the right places with the right hearts to do God’s mission. For God’s Glory.

To accomplish this, we assist Christian Faith-based organizations and pursuits. Some have the gift of sharing with others the plans, promises, and purposes God has for us. We are committed to help offset expenses of these exceptional communicators who have been called to reach out to the unreached on a more personal level. One voice in the wilderness can have a great impact. A ripple effect, even, that reaches many more people and generations. We are called to support these personal ministries as they are presented to us.