We will spread the Gospel through Christian Schools that are raising mini disciples for Jesus.

We as Christians are called to be salt and light when we are a part of the community who has an influence on the spiritual formation of children. Schools should play a role in teaching students Christian principles, who God is, and how to show His love to others. 

Teaching our next generation is staggeringly important. Over the last few decades, the focus of schooling has shifted from the basic building blocks of education. We consider the byproducts of a great education to be the ability to think independently, yet capture the understanding of working within a team, and where awarding achievement is allowed to be exciting for the receiver, and at the same time be aspiring for the normal student. When students are encouraged to be just good enough and satisfied with average, they lose the drive and passion to reach their full potential. Our goal is to have schools include the truth regarding God as our creator of all our earthly sciences, biological identity, and even our pronouns. We will fund schools that are based on reality and on Christian values.

We believe that effectively sharing the Gospel is what will allow people to change the world through Jesus Christ. Making Christian education more available to more families will train more students to understand the truth in the Bible and then share their faith confidently with others. 

The focus of a Christian school is to draw students into a deeper understanding and fuller relationship with God and the world He created. Also, the Christian witness of the teachers, encourages students to ask questions and work through their own issues in a positive, nurturing environment. This sets their foundation of faith and prepares them for future success in God’s unique mission He has for them.